1. 继续学习稻盛和夫系列书籍
2. xenoamess-p3c 发新版本
- sync some minor fix in 2.1.1
- pmd upgrade to 6.37.0
- update deprecated grammars in PojoMustOverrideToStringRule
- update deprecated pmd grammars in AvoidNewDateGetTimeRule : @ArgumentCount to @Size
- update deprecated pmd grammars in BooleanPropertyShouldNotStartWithIsRule : @Image to @Name
- update deprecated pmd grammars in BooleanPropertyShouldNotStartWithIsRule : @Image to @SimpleName
- update missing attribute language=”java” for some ruleset xml.
- update deprecated pmd grammars in AvoidComplexConditionRule : @Ternary to null(@Ternary is always true in new versions of PMD)
- update deprecated pmd grammars in StringConcatRule : @Image to @Operator
- update deprecated pmd grammars in PojoMustOverrideToStringRule : MethodDeclarator[@ParameterCount] to @Arity
- update deprecated pmd grammars in PojoMustOverrideToStringRule : MethodDeclarator[@Image] to @Name
3. lombok pr https://github.com/projectlombok/lombok/pull/2915
该pr解决了lombok对于JronProperty annotation的复制处理与jackson的期望不同的bug
- 本文作者: XenoAmess
- 本文链接: http://xenoamess.com/2021/08/26/20210802修行/
本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。